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Why do we have to have Mondays?

April 12, 2010

Tweet I know, I know, if there was no Mondays then Tuesdays would suck, but still… I used to not work Mondays when I was teaching and no one could sympathise on Tuesday (my Monday), everyone sympathises with the suck that is Monday mornings.  For me Mondays mean lots of household chores and the mess […]

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Farther than I have ever gone in my LIFE! April 11th Food and Exercise Journal

April 11, 2010

Tweet That’s right I ran further than I have ever run before in my life.  That would be 5 miles.  I ran 5 miles no walking, OMG.  I ran it and I enjoyed it, double OMG!  I felt good for most of the run, my left knee and hip were sore for mile 5 but […]

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